The International Research Journal of Advances in Computing Sciences (IRJACS), published by the Faizi Education Research Center, is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that delves into a comprehensive range of topics within the computing sciences. IRJACS encourages the submission of high-quality, original, and innovative research papers that contribute significantly to the advancement of computing sciences. All manuscripts are to be presented in English and will undergo a double-blind peer review process, adhering to the rigorous standards accepted by the global academic community.

IRJACS is committed to advancing the field by providing a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners worldwide to present their innovative research across various sub-disciplines. These include, but are NOT limited to, the following fields/topics: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Information  Security, Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Networking, Internet Technologies, Systems Architecture, Computational Theory, Mathematics, Cloud Computing, Ethics in Computing, Quantum Computing, Internet-of-Things, Blockchain Technologies, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Game Development, Autonomous Systems, Edge Computing, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Wearable Technologies, E-Learning Technologies, Computational Finance, and Digital Forensics.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): (July-Dec 2023)

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Objectives of IRJACS

The primary goal of the International Research Journal of Advances in Computing Sciences (IRJACS) is to provide a platform for global researchers from renowned institutions, focusing on interdisciplinary studies in computing sciences. All submissions must be in English and undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, adhering to recognized academic standards.

Our mission goes beyond disseminating information; we foster an environment where innovative ideas and groundbreaking research thrive. By encouraging contributions from diverse fields intersecting with computing sciences, we showcase the multifaceted nature of this discipline. Each paper is meticulously evaluated to ensure high scholarly integrity and meaningful contributions to computing sciences.

We maintain a stringent review process to uphold publication quality and credibility. Every submission is comprehensively evaluated by experts to ensure only impactful research is published, setting IRJACS apart in the computing sciences community.

Additionally, we support the professional growth of our contributors by providing constructive feedback and collaboration opportunities. Our platform connects researchers, practitioners, and academics worldwide. Through IRJACS, we aim to advance computing sciences and inspire future innovations.

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